Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Why hold a congress of Laboratory Medicine in Brazil?

Adagmar Andriolo

Escola Paulista de Medicina-Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM-UNIFESP)

Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial (SBPC/ML) annually holds a Brazilian congress on its specialty. But why? The reasons are innumerable. At a scientific congress one can keep up-to-date and meet colleagues from other regions of the country and of the world. Technical scientific updating in the medical area is fundamental, considering that significant modifications rapidly occur in diagnostic procedures, with the development of more robust methods, and the exploitation of novel resources of automation and computing. It is in congresses that novelties are presented, either by well-qualified speakers, in lectures, conferences and round-table discussions, or by input and equipment companies. During such events, the possibilities are huge for exchange and acquisition of knowledge, directly from the generating sources, by the presence of eminent researchers.

Meeting colleagues is always a reason for satisfaction and rejoicing; it strengthens friendship ties, and allows the sharing of everyday experiences. Interaction, though for just three or four days, with professionals from different areas of laboratory diagnosis, and from other medical specialties that make frequent use of the clinical laboratory, creates a highly productive setting where benefits and limitations can be clearly and informally discussed.

Companies, manufacturers or distributers of input and equipment actively participate in the success of the congress by organizing a trade fair, where they display state-of-the-art devices, systems and methodologies. It is the opportunity not only to learn what is being presented, but to negotiate trade agreements.

Soon, from September 29 to October 2, in Fortaleza, Ceará, the 49th Brazilian Congress of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine and the 1st Brazilian Congress of Laboratory Informatics will be held. The choice of Fortaleza as their seat was a dream come true for clinical pathologists and laboratory workers from the whole Northeast region of Brazil.

The main theme of the Laboratory Medicine Congress will be “Integration for diagnosis”. It is the view that currently guides Laboratory Medicine, prizing integration among professionals from different areas and reflecting the reality of our days, with growing integration among the several diagnostic tools.

The 1st Brazilian Congress of Laboratory Informatics will convene activities related to information technology in its own and simultaneous meeting, lasting one day, when participants will improve their knowledge without missing the scientific program of the event as a whole. For both congresses, 170 Brazilian and 10 foreign speakers are invited. A total of 24 conferences will be held, besides 45 round-table discussions, covering all areas of Laboratory Medicine. Approximately 122 companies, including manufacturers and distributors of clinical laboratory products, governmental entities of education and health, and private laboratories will be present, actively participating in all the activities.

The chosen place, Centro de Eventos do Ceará (CEC), opened in 2012, is considered the most modern and well-equipped venue for events of this nature. The center has the ideal infrastructure for the congress, with a wide area for technical-scientific exhibitions, rooms, auditoriums, lounges and circulation areas that ensure participants’ comfort.

In addition, the capital of Ceará, with many tourist attractions, has excellent hotel and restaurant facilities to host big events.

The increased frequency of direct flights between Fortaleza (Aeroporto Internacional Pinto Martins) and European countries encouraged the participation of many foreign guests.

Welcome and enjoy Fortaleza.



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