Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Why hold a congress of Laboratory Medicine in Brazil?

Adagmar Andriolo
J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(3):137


Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial (SBPC/ML) annually holds a Brazilian congress on its specialty. But why? The reasons are innumerable. At a scientific congress one can keep up-to-date and meet colleagues from other regions of the country and of the world. Technical scientific updating in the medical area is fundamental, considering that significant modifications rapidly occur in diagnostic procedures, with the development of more robust methods, and the exploitation of novel resources of automation and computing. It is in congresses that novelties are presented, either by well-qualified speakers, in lectures, conferences and round-table discussions, or by input and equipment companies. During such events, the possibilities are huge for exchange and acquisition of knowledge, directly from the generating sources, by the presence of eminent researchers.

Meeting colleagues is always a reason for satisfaction and rejoicing; it strengthens friendship ties, and allows the sharing of everyday experiences. Interaction, though for just three or four days, with professionals from different areas of laboratory diagnosis, and from other medical specialties that make frequent use of the clinical laboratory, creates a highly productive setting where benefits and limitations can be clearly and informally discussed.

Companies, manufacturers or distributers of input and equipment actively participate in the success of the congress by organizing a trade fair, where they display state-of-the-art devices, systems and methodologies. It is the opportunity not only to learn what is being presented, but to negotiate trade agreements.Read more…



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