Diode Laser Treatment for Gingival Enlargement Associated with Orthodontic Appliances: A Clinical Approach
Gingival, Orthodontic, Diode Lasers, PeriodonticsAbstract
Background: Fixed orthodontic therapy often predisposes patients to gingivitis and gingival enlargement due to poor oral hygiene. Diode lasers have emerged as an effective and minimally invasive approach for managing gingival enlargement, offering numerous advantages over traditional techniques. Case Report: A 15-year-old female patient undergoing orthodontic treatment presented with gingival enlargement associated with poor oral hygiene. The patient was referred from the Department of Orthodontics to the Department of Periodontics at Althawra Specialized Dental Center. Initial management included oral hygiene instructions and the use of 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash twice daily for one week, followed by two weeks of maintenance with proper brushing techniques. While there was a noticeable reduction in inflammation, the gingiva remained enlarged, soft, and delicate in texture. Treatment: Gingivectomy was performed under local anesthesia using a diode laser (810–980 nm). Healing and patient comfort were assessed at 7 and 14 days postoperatively. Pain and discomfort were evaluated using a verbal rating scale for the first seven days following surgery. Results: During the first week, healing was good, with minimal swelling. By the second week, slight swelling was observed in regions around teeth 16 and 26, but overall healing was deemed excellent. The diode laser provided a clean incision, superior hemostasis, a dry surgical field, and eliminated the need for sutures. Its use was associated with reduced postoperative infections, minimal edema, and greater patient comfort. Conclusion: Diode lasers are a safe, efficient, and versatile tool for managing gingival enlargement in orthodontic patients. Their ability to offer precise soft tissue interventions, minimize postoperative discomfort, and reduce complications highlights their potential as a superior alternative to conventional surgical techniques in orthodontic practice.