J Bras Patol Med Lab, Vol 54, Issue 6, 2018

Would carcinogenesis have a synergistic relatioship with bacteria and virus?
Eduardo Emery Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica (SBPC), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20180062 According to data from the World …

Evaluation of nonconformities related to sanitary regulations applied to clinical laboratories in public hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ from November 2016 to November 2017
Samuel F. Costa; Maria Emilia C. Gombarovits; Luciane S. Velasque; Gloria Regina da Silva e Sá; Bianca R. M. SilvaJ …

Investigation of VEGF gene polymorphism rs35569394 in endometriosis
Lysandra T. Bruno; Marco Fábio Prata-Lima; Mariangela T. Ruiz-Cintra; Alessandra Bernadete Trovó de MarquiJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2018;54(6):359-363DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20180057 ABSTRACT …

Performance of rapid tests compared to conventional tests used for HIV diagnosis
Márcia Jorge Castejon; Rosemeire Yamashiro; Carmem Aparecida F. Oliveira; Luis Fernando M. Brigido; Igor P. Generoso; Maria Amélia S. M …

Hsp27 expression and ratio between cell proliferation rate and apoptosis in breast cancer with and without axillary metastases
Clarice M. Feyh Birnfeld; Vinicius D. SilvaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2018;54(6):372-378DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20180064 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The involvement of the immune system …

Thrombomodulin and interleukin 6 as potential biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation after renal transplant
Ana Paula L. Mota; Suellen R. Martins; Lorraine V. Alves; Carolina N. Cardoso; Patrícia N. Alpoim; Ieda de Fátima O …

Detection of sexually transmitted infections at a Brazilian gynecology center: high prevalence of co-infections
Alan Messala A. Britto; Cíntia Policarpo; Paula Pezzuto; Angela Rosa I. Meirelles; Yara Lúcia Furtado; Gutemberg Almeida; Gisele de Oliveira; …

Patient safety by analyzing the information not provided in the requisition orders of cervical cytology test
Dayane B. Costa; Analine Rosa B. A. Carvalho; Michele Ana F. Chaves; Jacqueline Plewka; Maurício TurkiewiczJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab …

Investigation of correlation between cytological and histological findings in suspected carcinoma of thyroid
Clarissa A. Brites; Ludmila B. S. Balsimelli; Karina M. P. A. Coelho; Hercílio Fronza-Júnior; Jaqueline Stall; Paulo Henrique C. FrançaJ …

Turner syndrome and spontaneous pregnancy
Alessandra Bernadete Trovó de MarquiJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2018;54(6):387-392DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20180065 ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to describe patients …