Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

J Bras Patol Med Lab, Vol 52, Issue 1, 2016

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Telepathology: a new tool for medical education and recruitment and training of pathologists
Paulo Hilário Nascimento SaldivaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):4DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160007 Pathology remains as one of the most important medical specialties, …

epresentation of average HbF level in genotypes F: fetal; HbF-M: mean fetal hemoglobin; ATP: atypical; BEN: Benin; CAR: Central African Republic; p < 0.05.

Haplotypes βs-globin and its clinical-haematological correlation in patients with sickle-cell anemia in Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Alexandra S. Leal; Paulo Roberto J. Martins; Marly Aparecida S. Balarin; Gilberto A. Pereira; Gláucia Aparecida D. ResendeJ. Bras. Patol …

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Analysis of the frequency of biological sample recollections as quality indicators in a clinical laboratory of Distrito Federal, Brazil
Natani L. Coriolano; Izabel Cristina R. Silva; Thaís A. C. LamounierJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):11-16DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160002 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Clinical …

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

The critical value concept in clinical laboratory
Bruna Cláudia B. Rocha; José Adilson R. Alves; Félix Pedro D. Pinto; Maria Elizabete Mendes; Nairo M. SumitaJ. Bras. Patol …

Allele frequencies for C282Y and H63D mutations

Prevalence of C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene in patients from São Paulo and Southern Brazil
Marcos E. Herkenhoff; Ana Kelly Pitlovanciv; Vanessa R. RemualdoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):21-24DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160003 ABSTRACT Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is …

Presence of koilocytes in UC. A and B: 20×; C and D: 40×, optical microscopy, Papanicolaou staining. Images by Leon, RM UC: urine cytology test.

Immunosuppression and the occurrence of HPV in kidney transplant patients verified by urinary cytology
Rogéria M. Leon; Alana D. Ranzi; Graziele S. Fardin; Elizete Keitel; Rosicler Luzia Brackmann; João Carlos Prolla; Claudia G. BicaJ …

Aggressive papillary tumor of endolymphatic sac: CT showing an expansile lytic lesion arising in the right temporal bone (A and B) CT: computed tomography.

Aggressive papillary tumor of endolymphatic sac: case report of a rare neoplasia
Eduardo Cambruzzi; Karla Lais Pêgas; Leandro P. Almeida; Gerson Evandro Perondi; Leandro I. DiniJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):31-34DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160010 …

AAM in HE staining revealing a fragment of squamous mucosa with spindlecell neoplastic proliferation in loose collagenous stroma with a myxoid matrix embedding irregular vessels and inflammatory cells. A) 40×; B) 100×; C) 400×; D) 400× AAM: aggressive angiomyxoma; HE: hematoxylin and eosin.

Aggressive angiomyxoma of the vagina: a case report
Matheo Augusto M. Stumpf; Rebecca S. M. Stival; Alexandre B. Merlini; Fábio P. Mansani; Janicelli B. C. H. Silvestre; Isabela …

Erythematous keratotic papules arranged in a semi-circular pattern in the neck

Elastosis perforans serpiginosa, a transepithelial elimination skin disease diagnosed by histopathology: case report
Alexandre M. Lima; Milena M. Rodrigues; Sheila P. Rocha; Cibele C. Rodrigues; Carmelia M. S. ReisJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab …

Electrophoresis in 8% polyacrylamide gel stained with silver nitrate. HPV amplification (142 bp) HPV: human papillomavirus; MW: 100 bp DNA ladder; HeLa: DNA from HPV 18-infected cervical carcinoma cell line; CO2: condyloma DNA; NO: no DNA control; DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; MW: molecular weight.

HPV detection in floor of mouth squamous cell carcinoma by PCR amplification
Luciana E. Simonato; Saygo Tomo; José Fernando Garcia; Luiz Alberto Veronese; Glauco I. MiyaharaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):43-49DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160005 …




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