Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Vol 55, Issue 5

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Histological evolution of fibrosis in patients with biliary atresia

Alexandre R. Ferreira; Thaís C. N. Queiroz; Paula V. T. Vidigal; Raquel P. Ferreira; David C. Wanderley; Eleonora D. T. FagundesJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):458-473DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190042 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the evolution of histological findings of patients with biliary atresia (BA), emphasizing the progression of fibrosis by comparing the diagnostic liver biopsy to the surgical […]

Histological evolution of fibrosis in patients with biliary atresia Read More »

Tipos celulares em amostras cervicais no exame de Papanicolaou e FIPLIQ após 0, 3, 7 e 15 dias de preservação celular Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (teste z, p = 0,05). FIPLIQ: fosfato de formaldeído-isopropanol; CES: células escamosas superficiais; CEI: células escamosas intermediárias; CEP: células epiteliais parabasais; CM: células metaplásicas; CE: células endocervicais.

FIPLIQ: an alternative solution for gynecological and oral cytology

Michelli Aparecida B. Silva; Thiago B. D. Batista; Bruna F. Duarte; Maria Suely S. LeonartJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):474-487DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190043 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Liquid-based solution for cytology has been developed to improve Pap test. Some liquid media are commercially available, however, due to the high cost there are difficulties in implementing it in the public health

FIPLIQ: an alternative solution for gynecological and oral cytology Read More »

Clinical aspect Intraoral aspect of the patient, evidencing a purplish increased volume, located in the gingival region of the maxilla, in the area adjacent to the apex of the element 12.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma: immunohistochemistry and differential diagnosis, a case report

Mara Luana B. Severo; Caio César S. Barros; Lourival C. O. N. Rocha; Lucemário S. Macêdo; Márcia Cristina C. Miguel; Éricka Janine D. SilveiraJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):540-549DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190044 ABSTRACT A 52-year-old male patient complained of loss of sensitivity and pain in the maxilla. After examination, root canal treatment of tooth 12 was requested.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma: immunohistochemistry and differential diagnosis, a case report Read More »

he microscopic analysis showed intense well-differentiated squamous epithelial proliferation, with frequent invaginations (A, 5×). The fibrovascular stroma showed numerous inflammatory cells (B, 5×). Notice the large area of keratin deposition (asterisk), foci of osseous resorption in close relationship with florid squamous epithelial proliferation with prominent invagination (C, 5× and D, 20×). Hematoxylin and eosin stain

Gingival carcinoma cuniculatum mimicking a reactive/inflammatory process

Rodrigo N. Silva, Heitor A. Silveira, Luciana Y. Almeida, Carla N. B. Colturato, Alexandre Elias Trivellato, Cassio E. Sverzut, Jorge E. LeónJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):498-505DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190045 ABSTRACT Carcinoma cuniculatum (CC), a rare variant of oral squamous cell carcinoma, presents well-differentiated neoplastic epithelial cells infiltrating the underlying submucosal or bone tissues, forming the so-called

Gingival carcinoma cuniculatum mimicking a reactive/inflammatory process Read More »

Extraoral and intraoral clinical features of patient case 2 A) patient with short stature and stunted extremities; B) shortened phalanges; C) biprotrusion, bilateral posterior open bite, enamel hypoplasia, dental agenesis and rotated premolar.

Update of dental and maxillofacial alterations in patients with pycnodysostosis

Luiz Carlos Moreira Jr., Glória Maria França, Victor Diniz B. Santos, Hébel C. Galvão, Petrus P. Gomes, Adriano R. GermanoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):506-515DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190046 ABSTRACT Pycnodysostosis is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic condition, which causes a decrease in bone remodeling, resulting in different clinical and radiographic manifestations. This case series aims to describe

Update of dental and maxillofacial alterations in patients with pycnodysostosis Read More »

Lesion in dermoscopy

Dermatoscopy in polypoid basal-cell carcinoma: a rare histopathological variation

Mariana A. Almeida, Gabriella C. Carmo, Michele R. Feroldi, Gustavo VerardinoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):516-521DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190047 ABSTRACT Polypoid basal-cell carcinoma (BCC) is a rare tumor, considered a clinical and histopathological variant of the nodular BCC, presenting broad exophytic or pedunculated base that connects to the surface of the skin and histopathologically displays the neoplastic

Dermatoscopy in polypoid basal-cell carcinoma: a rare histopathological variation Read More »

Exame clínico inicial, exibindo a lesão nodular do fibroma

Peripheral ossifying fibroma on the mandible: report of atypical presentation case

Vinicius R. Gomes; Giulia Myrna Marques; Eveline Turatti; Cibele G. de-Albuquerque; Roberta B. Cavalcante; Saulo Ellery SantosJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):522-529DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190048 ABSTRACT Peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a benign lesion, nodular, firm on palpation; the base is sessile or pedunculated; similar in color to the mucosa and epithelium; it may be preserved or

Peripheral ossifying fibroma on the mandible: report of atypical presentation case Read More »

A) multiple nests and strands of odontogenic epithelium demonstrating peripheral columnar differentiation with reverse polarization. Central zones resemble stellate reticulum (HE, 500 μm); B) higher magnification highlights the peripheral columnar cells exhibiting reverse polarization (HE, 100 μm)

Ameloblastic carcinoma arising from a preexistent ameloblastoma

Hugo Costa Neto; Andrea F. Carmo; Ana Luiza D. L. Andrade; Rodrigo R. Rodrigues; Adriano R. Germano; Roseana A. Freitas; Hébel C. GalvãoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):530-539DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190049 ABSTRACT Ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) is a rare odontogenic tumor that represents the malignant counterpart of an ameloblastoma. There are few cases of AC in the English-language

Ameloblastic carcinoma arising from a preexistent ameloblastoma Read More »

Computed tomography A) coronal section; B) axial section; C) sagital section

Intraosseous maxillary mucoepidermoid carcinoma: a rare case report

Everton F. Morais; Leorik P. Silva; Antônio Bruno G. Mororó; Edilson P. Pinto; Adalberto M. Taylor; Leão P. Pinto;Lélia B. Souza1J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):540-549DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190050 ABSTRACT An unusual case of intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma is reported in a 22-year-old female, located in the posterior maxilla region. The article summarizes the main characteristics of the

Intraosseous maxillary mucoepidermoid carcinoma: a rare case report Read More »

Influence of interleukins on prognosis of patients with oral squamous cells carcinoma

Influence of interleukins on prognosis of patients with oral squamous cells carcinoma

Vinícius L. Almeida; Ingrede Tatiane S. Santana; José Nilson A. Santos; Gabryelle S. Fontes; Igor Felipe P. Lima; Ana Liz P. Matos; Felipe R. Matos; Luiz Renato ParanhosJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):550-567DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190051 ABSTRACT Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that affects the structures and tissues of the oral cavity. Interleukins (IL) synthesized

Influence of interleukins on prognosis of patients with oral squamous cells carcinoma Read More »