Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Nasal tissues of patients with CRSsNP and CRSwNP were immunostained with fascin antibodies

Fascin overexpression in nasal mucosa in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps

Anton S. Tkachenko; Galina I. Gubina-Vakulyck; Anatolii I. Onishchenko; Iulii M. Kalashnyk; Yaroslava O. Butko; Tatyana V. GorbachJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-5DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200007 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: The aim of our research is to assess fascin expression in nasal tissues of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with (CRSwNP) and without (CRSsNP) nasal polyps.METHODS: Fascin expression in nasal tissues of […]

Fascin overexpression in nasal mucosa in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Pre-analytical variables evaluation in laboratory tests of patients attended at the Vitória da Conquista Central laboratory, Bahia, Brazil

Ludimila R. Ramos; Márcio V. Oliveira; Cláudio L. SouzaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-8DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200009 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Laboratory tests are intended to provide information necessary to clarify diagnoses or specific situations that cannot be elucidated by other means. Laboratory analyses are subject to several interferences. Even healthy individuals could suffer variations in laboratory tests due to

Pre-analytical variables evaluation in laboratory tests of patients attended at the Vitória da Conquista Central laboratory, Bahia, Brazil Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Oral glucose tolerance test: unnecessary requests and suitable conditions for the test

Gabriele A. Silva; Cláudio L. Souza; Márcio V. OliveiraJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-7DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200010 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is an important test for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) that needs criteria to be requested and analytical performance evaluation.OBJECTIVES: Determine the prevalence of unnecessary OGTT requests and analyze patients’ suitability criteria for glucose

Oral glucose tolerance test: unnecessary requests and suitable conditions for the test Read More »

Leg myxoid liposarcoma: correlation between image and anatomopathological tests

Marcio Luís Duarte; Élcio Roberto Duarte; Edgard B. Solórzano; Jael B. A. FerreiraJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-3DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200008 ABSTRACT A 41-year-old male patient refers to a painful tumor on the lateral side of the right leg. Ultrasonography visualized a predominantly hypoechoic well-delineated large heterogeneous mass in the subcutaneous tissue, showing an internal hyperechoic area.

Leg myxoid liposarcoma: correlation between image and anatomopathological tests Read More »

Main sites affected of 80 OSCC cases diagnosed at the ISNF/UFF Oral Pathology Laboratory

Sociodemographic and clinicopathological profile of 80 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma

Carolina Emerick; Tamires G. Magalhães; Maria Carolina L. J. M. Barki; Lívia R. Crescencio1; Renata Tucci; Eleni Maria V. B. Barros; Rebeca S. AzevedoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-6DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200001 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To describe demographic and clinicopathologic profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cases from incisional biopsies collected at the Nova Friburgo Health Institute of

Sociodemographic and clinicopathological profile of 80 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Benign neural lesions of the oral and maxillofacial complex: a 48-year-retrospective study

Liliane Cristina N. Marinho; Hellen B. P. Santos; Everton F. Morais; Roseana A. FreitasJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-5DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200002 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Peripheral nerve sheath lesions are among the various diseases that can affect the nervous tissue. These neural origin lesions may occur in the maxillofacial region, although they are rare.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was

Benign neural lesions of the oral and maxillofacial complex: a 48-year-retrospective study Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Martin’s, Friedewald’s and Cordova’s formulas compared to LDL-C directly measured in Southern Brazil

Caio Mauricio M. Cordova; Ariane S. Portal; Maurício M. CordovaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-6DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200003 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Recently, fasting flexibility for laboratory determination of lipid profile has been recommended. When triglycerides (TG) are above 400 mg/dl, the formula proposed by Martin et al. should be used to estimate the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, this formula has

Martin’s, Friedewald’s and Cordova’s formulas compared to LDL-C directly measured in Southern Brazil Read More »

ROC curves of IgG index, Reiber diagram, CSF IgG, and gamma globulin fraction ability to predict OCB+

Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of IgG synthesis in 8,947 cerebrospinal fluid samples

Renan B. Domingues; Gustavo B. Peres; Fernando B. Moura-Leite; Carlos S. SoaresJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-5DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200004 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Increased intrathecal immunoglobulin class G (IgG) synthesis can be found in several neuroinflammatory diseases.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze quantitative and qualitative methods of intrathecal immunoproduction evaluation.METHODS: We retrospectively assessed data from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of IgG synthesis in 8,947 cerebrospinal fluid samples Read More »

Thrombogram: case report of pseudothrombocytopenia

Bruno Miguel B. Costa; Maria C. Vellés; Maria Mariana F. B. Viana; Ana Conceição M. Pereira; Susana Catarina P. Rocha; Liliana P. Rocha; Vera Monica R. P. MoreiraJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-4DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200005 ABSTRACT The thrombogram is one of the components of the blood count that includes platelet quantification and evaluation. The presence of

Thrombogram: case report of pseudothrombocytopenia Read More »

Conventional cytogenetics of patients with translocation t(15; 17) present, absent or unrecognized before and after 2006, and in the total study period NP: not performed.

Acute promyelocytic leukemia: evaluation of diagnostic tests from 2000 to 2018 in a public hospital

Aline C. Hey; Ana Paula Azambuja; Yara Carolina Schluga; Elenaide C. Nunes; Rodrigo Miguel Bendlin; Valderez R. JamurJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):580-597DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190052 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is caused by t(15;17)(q24;q21) translocation, which product is the fusion oncoprotein PML-RARα (promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha). The morphology of leukemic promyelocytes is usually characteristic, with the presence

Acute promyelocytic leukemia: evaluation of diagnostic tests from 2000 to 2018 in a public hospital Read More »