Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Brunner’s gland cyst: rare differential diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms

Cisto da glândula de Brunner: diagnóstico diferencial raro de sintomas dispépticos Flávio H. Ivano1-3; Victor K. Ivano2, 3; Larissa Miyashiro2, 3; Danielle G. Sakamoto4; Ana C. L. Sobral5 1. Hospital Sugisawa, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil2. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil3. Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Curitiba, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil4. Laboratório de Patologia […]

Brunner’s gland cyst: rare differential diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms Read More »

Brunner’s gland cyst: rare differential diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms

Flávio H. Ivano; Victor K. Ivano; Larissa Miyashiro; Danielle G. Sakamoto; Ana C. L. SobralJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-4DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200051 ABSTRACT A 60-year-old woman was under investigation of dyspeptic symptoms. The upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a cystic subepithelial lesion in the second portion of the duodenum, measuring 8 mm in its longest diameter. The

Brunner’s gland cyst: rare differential diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms Read More »

Surgical-orthodontic therapy of compound odontoma in the anterior maxilla

Bruna Cristina Longo; Lais Kuhn; Maria de Fátima M. Tomasin; Amadeu Tomasin Neto; Geraldo Grizza; Maria Daniela B. SouzaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-6DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200050 ABSTRACT Odontomas are odontogenic tumors subdivided into complex type (common in the posterior mandible region) and compound type. These lesions are usually asymptomatic and diagnosed in routine examinations, are more

Surgical-orthodontic therapy of compound odontoma in the anterior maxilla Read More »

Surgical-orthodontic therapy of compound odontoma in the anterior maxilla

Tratamento cirúrgico e ortodôntico de odontoma complexo em região anterior de maxila Bruna Cristina Longo; Lais Kuhn; Maria de Fátima M. Tomasin; Amadeu Tomasin Neto; Geraldo Grizza; Maria Daniela B. Souza Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil Corresponding author Bruna Cristina LongoORCID 0000-0002-9498-3743e-mail: DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200050  First Submission on 11/5/2019Last Submission on 11/12/2019Accepted for publication

Surgical-orthodontic therapy of compound odontoma in the anterior maxilla Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Evaluation of quality indicators of cervical cytopathology tests carried out in a municipality of Paraná, Brazil

Avaliação dos indicadores de qualidade dos exames citopatológicos do colo do útero realizados em um município do Paraná, Brasil Juliana Cristina Magalhães1; Leonarda S. F. Morais1; Jacqueline Plewka2; Maurício Turkiewicz3; Rita G. Amaral1 1. Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil2. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil3. Labcell Citologia Diagnóstica, Cascavel, Paraná,

Evaluation of quality indicators of cervical cytopathology tests carried out in a municipality of Paraná, Brazil Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Evaluation of quality indicators of cervical cytopathology tests carried out in a municipality of Paraná, Brazil

Juliana Cristina Magalhães; Leonarda S. F. Morais; Jacqueline Plewka; Maurício Turkiewicz; Rita G. AmaralJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-7DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200041 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Although the criteria and recommendations are well defined to improve the quality of cervical cytopathology tests (Pap smear) in Brazil, the quality indicators of several laboratories are below the recommended standards.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality

Evaluation of quality indicators of cervical cytopathology tests carried out in a municipality of Paraná, Brazil Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

TRH stimulation test in patients with repeatedly elevated TSH and normal FT4

Teste de estímulo com TRH em pacientes com TSH repetidamente elevado e T4L normal Pedro Weslley Rosario Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200043 Corresponding author Pedro Weslley RosarioORCID 0000-0002-5190-382Xe-mail: First Submission on 12/10/2019 Last Submission on 12/11/2019Accepted for publication on 1/1/2020Published on 6/1/2020 ABSTRACT Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is defined by elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

TRH stimulation test in patients with repeatedly elevated TSH and normal FT4 Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

TRH stimulation test in patients with repeatedly elevated TSH and normal FT4

Pedro Weslley RosarioJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-4DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200043 ABSTRACT Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is defined by elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) with normal free thyroxine (FT4). We aimed to evaluate the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation test in patients with repeatedly elevated TSH (up to 10 mIU/l) and normal FT4, but without apparent thyroid disease. Women with

TRH stimulation test in patients with repeatedly elevated TSH and normal FT4 Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Frequency of microorganisms in vaginal discharges of high-risk pregnant women from a hospital in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil

Prevalência de microrganismos em secreção vaginal de gestantes de alto risco de uma maternidade em Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil Letícia Fernanda Q. Freitas; Larissa Rayanne S. Maia; Maria Rafaela A. R. de Deus; Sibele R. Oliveira; Adrya Lúcia Peres Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida (Asces-Unita), Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200048 Corresponding author Letícia Fernanda Queiroz FreitasORCID

Frequency of microorganisms in vaginal discharges of high-risk pregnant women from a hospital in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Frequency of microorganisms in vaginal discharges of high-risk pregnant women from a hospital in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil

Letícia Fernanda Q. Freitas; Larissa Rayanne S. Maia; Maria Rafaela A. R. de Deus; Sibele R. Oliveira; Adrya Lúcia PeresJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2020;56(1):1-6DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20200048 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels may favor vaginal colonization by pathogenic microorganisms that can be associated with obstetric complications and neonatal infections. These pathogens include Candida spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis and Streptococcus

Frequency of microorganisms in vaginal discharges of high-risk pregnant women from a hospital in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil Read More »