Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Intron 22 inversion and inhibitor response rate (high/low)

Prevalence of inversions in introns 1 and 22 of the factor VIII gene and inhibitors in patients from southern Brazil

Maria Cristina S. M. Corrêa; Euripides Ferreira; Marcelo T. A. Veiga; Eliane Bandinelli; Clévia RossetJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):598-605DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190053 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: The development of antibodies (inhibitors) against exogenous factors is the main complication in the treatment of hemophilia. Both genetic and non-genetic factors are related to inhibitor development. Among the genetic factors, the type […]

Prevalence of inversions in introns 1 and 22 of the factor VIII gene and inhibitors in patients from southern Brazil Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Anticancer drug screening: standardization of in vitro wound healing assay

Triagem de drogas anticâncer: padronização do ensaio de ranhura in vitro Vitor M. Almeida; Maximino Alencar Bezerra Jr.; Jéssica C. Nascimento; Lidia Maria F. Amorim Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190054 Corresponding author Vitor Martins de AlmeidaORCID 0000-0001-7902-6876e-mail: First Submission on 6/1/2019 Last Submission on 6/12/2019Accepted for publication on 6/14/2019Published on 12/20/2019 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Gliomas are

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In vitro closure of the wound healing assay area after 24 hours colchicine or paclitaxel treatment in the presence or absence of serum

Anticancer drug screening: standardization of in vitro wound healing assay

Vitor M. Almeida; Maximino Alencar Bezerra Jr.; Jéssica C. Nascimento; Lidia Maria F. AmorimJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):606-619DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190054 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Gliomas are characterized by rapid proliferation and aggressive invasion into normal surrounding brain tissue. In medical laboratories, the in vitro wound healing assay stands out as a simple, easy, inexpensive and affordable method to evaluate cell

Anticancer drug screening: standardization of in vitro wound healing assay Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Method of histopathological diagnosis of mammary nodules through deep learning algorithm

Método de diagnóstico histopatológico de nódulos mamários por meio do algoritmo de aprendizagem profunda Victor Antônio Kuiava1; Eliseu Luiz Kuiava2; Rubens Rodriguez1,3; Adriana Eli Beck3; João Pedro M. Rodriguez4; Eduardo O. Chielle5 1. Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil2. Centro Universitário Internacional, São Miguel do Oeste, Santa Catarina, Brazil3. Instituto

Method of histopathological diagnosis of mammary nodules through deep learning algorithm Read More »

Image model used for the development of the software database A) invasive lobular carcinoma; B) carcinoma in situ; C) fibroadenoma; D) invasive carcinoma of no special type; E) fibrocystic changes; F) normal breast.

Method of histopathological diagnosis of mammary nodules through deep learning algorithm

Victor Antônio Kuiava; Eliseu Luiz Kuiava; Rubens Rodriguez; Adriana Eli Beck; João Pedro M. Rodriguez; Eduardo O. ChielleJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):620-632DOI: ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Artificial intelligence systems are promising health care technologies, mainly in medical subareas such as pathology, and can be used as support methods for the histological diagnosis of mammary nodules.OBJECTIVE: This study

Method of histopathological diagnosis of mammary nodules through deep learning algorithm Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Medical Residency Training in Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine at the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo

Residência médica em Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial na Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo Adagmar Andriolo Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM-UNIFESP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190056 Corresponding author Adagmar AndrioloORCID 0000-0002-7355-8684e-mail: First Submission on 6/19/2019 Last Submission on 10/17/2019Accepted for publication on 10/17/2019Published on 12/20/2019 ABSTRACT Teaching and

Medical Residency Training in Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine at the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Medical Residency Training in Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine at the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo

Adagmar AndrioloJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):633-638DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190056 ABSTRACT Teaching and learning in medicine has its own characteristics, requiring from their actors, in addition to intellectual skills, great dedication and personal commitment. The object of study, learning and practice is a person, punctually placed in the position of a patient, that is, someone who must

Medical Residency Training in Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine at the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Results of laboratory tests not accessed in Brazilian private laboratories

Resultados de exames laboratoriais não acessados em laboratórios privados brasileiros Wilson Shcolnik1,2; Alex Galoro1,3; Marcelo Lorencin4; Rodolpho N. Donini4; Diogo Jeronimo5 1. Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial (SBPC/ML), Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2. Grupo Fleury, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil3. Grupo Sabin, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil4. SHIFT Consultoria e Sistemas, São José

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Distribution of tests performed by geographic region

Results of laboratory tests not accessed in Brazilian private laboratories

Wilson Shcolnik; Alex Galoro; Marcelo Lorencin; Rodolpho N. Donini; Diogo JeronimoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(6):639-656DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190057 ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Laboratory medicine is an important part of the health care system and directly contributes to preventive actions, diagnostics, treatment, and management of diseases. The level and quality of laboratory resources utilization have been frequently questioned. A dissemination

Results of laboratory tests not accessed in Brazilian private laboratories Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Histological evolution of fibrosis in patients with biliary atresia

Alexandre R. Ferreira; Thaís C. N. Queiroz; Paula V. T. Vidigal; Raquel P. Ferreira; David C. Wanderley; Eleonora D. T. FagundesJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2019;55(5):458-473DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20190042 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the evolution of histological findings of patients with biliary atresia (BA), emphasizing the progression of fibrosis by comparing the diagnostic liver biopsy to the surgical

Histological evolution of fibrosis in patients with biliary atresia Read More »