Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Benign reactive cellular changes associated with radiation

Cytopathologic follow-up of women with cervical cancer post-radiotherapy: case series

Ruan Carlos G. Silva; Rachel Di Paola V. Figueirêdo; Amanda Cristina O. Silva; Carlos Eduardo Q. Lima; Sibele R. Oliveira; Adrya Lúcia PeresJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2018;54(2):99-104DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20180018 RESUMO A citopatologia, além de seu papel nos programas de rastreio do câncer cervical, é uma importante ferramenta para o controle da eficácia do tratamento em mulheres […]

Cytopathologic follow-up of women with cervical cancer post-radiotherapy: case series Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Cytopathologic follow-up of women with cervical cancer post-radiotherapy: case series

Citopatologia de seguimento em mulheres com câncer de colo do útero após radioterapia: série de casos Ruan Carlos G. Silva1; Rachel Di Paola V. Figueirêdo1; Amanda Cristina O. Silva1; Carlos Eduardo Q. Lima2; Sibele R. Oliveira1; Adrya Lúcia Peres1 1. Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida (Asces-Unita), Pernambuco, Brazil2. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Pernambuco, Brazil

Cytopathologic follow-up of women with cervical cancer post-radiotherapy: case series Read More »

Comparison of cythopathology and frozen section methods in the intraoperative evaluation of breast sentinel lymph node

Miguel Zugman; Matheus W. Guesser; Luiz M. Collaço; Ana Paula M. SebastiãoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2017;53(4):276-280DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20170044 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Cytopathologic analysis (CP) and frozen section (FS) are available techniques for intraoperative evaluation of sentinel lymph node in surgeries for breast cancer treatment that will define the need for axillary lymphadenectomy.OBJECTIVE: To compare CP and FS of

Comparison of cythopathology and frozen section methods in the intraoperative evaluation of breast sentinel lymph node Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Cervical cancer screening: from Pap smear to future strategies

Triagem de câncer do colo uterino: do teste de Papanicolaou a estratégias futuras Cristina Aparecida T. S. Mitteldorf Hospital Sírio Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160040 Corresponding author Cristina Aparecida T. S. MitteldorfRua Dona Adma Jafet, 91, 3º subsolo, bloco C; Bela VistaCEP: 01308-050, São Paulo-SP, Brasile-mail: First Submission on 5/9/2016 Last Submission on 7/10/2016Accepted for publication

Cervical cancer screening: from Pap smear to future strategies Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Cervical cancer screening: from Pap smear to future strategies

Cristina Aparecida T. S. MitteldorfJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(4):238-245DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160040 ABSTRACT Previously, the screening for detection of cervical cancer was performed by simple cervicovaginal sample collected by the physician whenever the patient attended the medical consultation, and soon it was established as the annual “Pap smear”. Since then, an elementary test has evolved into

Cervical cancer screening: from Pap smear to future strategies Read More »

Presence of koilocytes in UC. A and B: 20×; C and D: 40×, optical microscopy, Papanicolaou staining. Images by Leon, RM UC: urine cytology test.

Immunosuppression and the occurrence of HPV in kidney transplant patients verified by urinary cytology

Rogéria M. Leon; Alana D. Ranzi; Graziele S. Fardin; Elizete Keitel; Rosicler Luzia Brackmann; João Carlos Prolla; Claudia G. BicaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2016;52(1):25-30DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20160009 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer, and immunosuppression is recognized as a risk factor for HPV infection and its persistence. After renal transplantation, immunosuppressive

Immunosuppression and the occurrence of HPV in kidney transplant patients verified by urinary cytology Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Immunosuppression and the occurrence of HPV in kidney transplant patients verified by urinary cytology

Imunossupressão e ocorrência de HPV em pacientes transplantados renais a partir de exame citológico urinário Rogéria M. Leon1; Alana D. Ranzi1; Graziele S. Fardin1; Elizete Keitel2; Rosicler Luzia Brackmann2; João Carlos Prolla2; Claudia G. Bica1 1. Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Porto Alegre, Brasil2. Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de

Immunosuppression and the occurrence of HPV in kidney transplant patients verified by urinary cytology Read More »

Histological section of anal canal with immature cells occupying more than the lower twothirds of the epithelium with a thin layer of atypical maturating cells on the surface.

Anal cytology in women with cervical intraepithelial or invasive cancer: interobserver agreement

Sandra A. Heráclio; Fátima Regina G. Pinto; Kristiane Cahen; Letícia Katz; Alex Sandro R. SouzaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(5):315-322DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150051 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Incidence rates of anal cancer have been rising worldwide in the last 20 years. Due to embryological, histological and immunohistochemical similarities between the anal canal and the cervix, routine screening with anal cytology for

Anal cytology in women with cervical intraepithelial or invasive cancer: interobserver agreement Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Anal cytology in women with cervical intraepithelial or invasive cancer: interobserver agreement

Citologia anal em mulheres com neoplasia intraepitelial ou invasiva cervical: concordância interobservadores Sandra A. Heráclio1; Fátima Regina G. Pinto2; Kristiane Cahen2; Letícia Katz2; Alex Sandro R. Souza1, 3 1. Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira (Imip)2. Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Pernambuco (Lacen-PE)3. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150051 Corresponding author Sandra A.

Anal cytology in women with cervical intraepithelial or invasive cancer: interobserver agreement Read More »

Distribution by frequency according to the results of the first and second cytology, Manaus (AM)

Detection and genotyping of HPV in women with indeterminate cytology and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions

Francisca A. Queiroz; Danielle A. P. Rocha; Roberto Alexandre A. B. Filho; Cristina Maria B. SantosJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(3):166-172DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150029 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main risk factor related to cervical cancer, the third most frequent type of cancer in Brazilian women. Early identification of high-risk HPV types in the normal cervix,

Detection and genotyping of HPV in women with indeterminate cytology and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions Read More »