Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Case Report

Lung nodule located in lower right lung measuring 2,6 cm on computed tomography scan.

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report

Dificuldade no diagnóstico do coriocarcinoma renal: relato de caso Daniela Angerame Yela; Marcelo Faber; Amanda Dantas; Cristina Laguna Benetti-pinto; Rodrigo JalesState University of Campinas, gynecology and obstetrics, Campinas, SP, Brazil.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.412 ABSTRACT Choriocarcinoma is a rare highly malignant tumor. We report a case of 35-year-old woman, with a history of four months menstrual irregularity and […]

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report Read More »

Panoramic radiograph showing Stafne's bone defect on the left side of the mandible.

Sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland associated with stafne bone defect: case report

Sialolitíase da glândula submandibular associada a defeito ósseo de stafne: relato de caso Clarina Louis Silva Meira2; Breno Gonçalves Daroz1; Thiago Brito Xavier1; Josiclei de Castro Moraes1; Yago dos Santos Pereira1; Diego Pacheco Ferreira1; Célio Armando Couto da Cunha Júnior1; Hélder Antônio Rebelo Pontes1 1 Federal University of Para, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital,

Sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland associated with stafne bone defect: case report Read More »

Bulging in super right limb

Tuberculous pyomyositis: a case report

Piomiosite Tuberculosa: Relato de Caso Leandro Fernandes1; Edgard Torres dos Reis Neto2; Marcia Aparecida Pozo Pereira1; Mirela Carla da Costa Baretta1; Adagmar Andriolo1 1 Federal University of Sao Paulo, Discipline of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology/Medicine Laboratory of the Department of Medicine of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.2

Tuberculous pyomyositis: a case report Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Validation of the mindray BC6000 hematology analyzer for erythroblast counting in peripheral blood

Validação do analisador hematológico Mindray BC6000 para a contagem de eritroblastos em sangue periférico Lacy Brito Junior1; Adna dos Santos Caldas1; Vanessa Ingrid Cardoso Pereira1; Roberta Isabella Senna Ferreira2; Ana Paula Silveira aixão21 Federal University of Para, Postgraduate Program in Clinical Analysis (PPGAC), Belem, Para, Brazil.2 Dr Paulo C Azevedo Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Hematology, Belem,

Validation of the mindray BC6000 hematology analyzer for erythroblast counting in peripheral blood Read More »

Interstitial lymphomononuclear infiltrate not accompanied by edema and significant tubulitis (dissociation between interstitial and tubular components). Associated tubular atrophy. There is a predominance of small lymphocytes. HE, 100X.

Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease Isolated to Kidney Allograft

Doença Linfo Proliferativa Pós-Transplante Isolada ao Enxerto Renal Viviany Pontes de Oliveira1; Ronaldo de Matos Esmeraldo1; Claudia Maria Costa de Oliveira2; Fernando Barroso Duarte2,3; André Costa Teixeira4; Tainá Veras de Sandes-Freitas1,2,31 Fortaleza General Hospital, Transplant Sector, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.2 Walter Cantídio University Hospital, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.3 Federal University of Ceará, Faculty of Medicine, Fortaleza, Ceará,

Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease Isolated to Kidney Allograft Read More »

Bacterial Culture: Roseomonas spp

Infection due to Roseomonas spp: a case report

Fernandes L.S1; Baretta M.C.C1; Chagas-Neto T.C2; Andriolo A11Discipline of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.2Discipline of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Department of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.449 ABSTRACTMale patient, 68 years old, immunocompromised,

Infection due to Roseomonas spp: a case report Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Antiretroviral therapy in patient living with HIV leads negative HIV serological results

Terapia antirretroviral em paciente vivendo com HIV leva a resultados sorológicos negativos Márcia Jorge Castejon1; Priscila R. Dordetto2; Rosemeire Yamashiro1; Luís Fernando M. Brígido1; Alessandra Aparecida Alves3; Carmem Aparecida F. Oliveira11Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 2Serviço de Assistência Municipal Especializada, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.3Centro de Laboratório Regional de Sorocaba, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.J

Antiretroviral therapy in patient living with HIV leads negative HIV serological results Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Antiretroviral therapy in patient living with HIV leads negative HIV serological results

Terapia antirretroviral em paciente vivendo com HIV leva a resultados sorológicos negativos Márcia Jorge Castejon1; Priscila R. Dordetto2; Rosemeire Yamashiro1; Luís Fernando M. Brígido1; Alessandra Aparecida Alves3; Carmem Aparecida F. Oliveira1J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2021;57(1):1-6DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20210057 ABSTRACT We report the case of a person living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in which inconsistent serological

Antiretroviral therapy in patient living with HIV leads negative HIV serological results Read More »

Imagens obtidas do exame de ressonância magnética Sequências axial T2 (A), coronal T2 (B), axial T1 pós-contraste (C) e sagital T1 pós-contraste (D). Lesão meníngea retroclival com marcado hipossinal em T2 (setas em A e B); há compressão sobre o tronco cerebral, causando edema, com hipersinal em T2 (seta tracejada em A); nota-se realce intenso ao contraste nas sequências T1 pela lesão (setas em C e D).

Hypertrophic pachymeningitis, IgG4-related disease: case report

Paquimeningite hipertrófica, doença relacionada com a IgG4: relato de caso Gunter Gerson1; Carlos Eduardo L. Soares1; Amanda R. Rangel1; Gabriel C. L. Chagas1; Daniel R. F. Távora2; Kellen P. Fermon2 1. Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil2. Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil Corresponding author Gunter GersonORCID 0000-0001-9054-253Xe-mail: First Submission on 11/12/2019Last Submission on 11/12/2019Accepted

Hypertrophic pachymeningitis, IgG4-related disease: case report Read More »

Skin sections showing epidermal hyperplasia, swollen papillary dermis, and extensive infiltration by atypical lymphocytes in the reticular and deep dermis, amid rounded and small structures distributed in the extracellular dermis. 40× lens

Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type: case report

Linfoma cutâneo difuso de grandes células B, tipo perna: relato de caso Ana Silvia S. L. Verde; Marcus Vinicius L. Marques; Amanda Cristina M. Jardim; Juliana A. Damasceno; Izabela C. SoaresJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2021;57(1):1-5DOI: 10.5935/1676-2444.20210004 Ana Silvia S. L. Verde1; Marcus Vinicius L. Marques1; Amanda Cristina M. Jardim1; Juliana A. Damasceno1,2; Izabela C.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type: case report Read More »