Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Frequency of 3.7 and HphI mutations in individuals diagnosed with thalassemia minor and iron deficiency anemia

RDW as differential parameter between microcytic anemias in “pure” and concomitant forms

Januária F. Matos; Karina B. G. Borges; Ana Paula S. M. Fernandes; José R. Faria; Maria das Graças CarvalhoJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):22-27DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150005 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia minor are microcytic and hypochromic types of anemia commonly found in our environment. The correct differentiation between them is of great clinical importance, although it […]

RDW as differential parameter between microcytic anemias in “pure” and concomitant forms Read More »

Prevalence variation of colpocytological abnormalities in adolescents and adults in the years 2000 and 2010

Variação da prevalência de anormalidades colpocitológicas em adolescentes e adultas nos anos de 2000 e 2010 Karina M. P. A. Coelho1; Giuliano S. Bublitz1; Paulo Henrique C. França2; Marcio Franciski1; Jaqueline Stall1; Hercílio Fronza Júnior1 1. Centro de Diagnósticos Anatomopatológicos (Cedap)/Serviços Integrados de Patologia (Sip)2. Universidade da Região de Joinville (Univille) DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150006 Corresponding author Karina

Prevalence variation of colpocytological abnormalities in adolescents and adults in the years 2000 and 2010 Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Prevalence variation of colpocytological abnormalities in adolescents and adults in the years 2000 and 2010

Karina M. P. A. Coelho; Giuliano S. Bublitz; Paulo Henrique C. França; Marcio Franciski; Jaqueline Stall; Hercílio Fronza JúniorJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):28-32DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150006 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Cancer of the cervix is the second most common cancer among women worldwide and the frequency of precancerous lesions is increasing among adolescents.OBJECTIVE: To study and compare the frequency of epithelial

Prevalence variation of colpocytological abnormalities in adolescents and adults in the years 2000 and 2010 Read More »

Underreporting of scientific knowledge: a theme for reflection

Preliminary results of Lean method implementation in a pathology lab from Northeastern Brazil

Resultados preliminares da implantação da filosofia Lean em um laboratório de patologia Josiane S. Quetz1; Italo F. Dantas1; Carlos Gustavo Hirth1; Carlos G. Brasil2; Sergio F. Juaçaba1 1. Instituto do Câncer do Ceará (ICC)2. Lean Institute Brasil DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150007 Corresponding author Josiane da Silva QuetzInstituto do Câncer do Ceará; Laboratório de Patologia Dr. Livino PinheiroRua Papi

Preliminary results of Lean method implementation in a pathology lab from Northeastern Brazil Read More »

Graphic representation of VSM for the pre-analytical process at the pathology laboratory of Haroldo Juaçaba Hospital (PL-ICC)

Preliminary results of Lean method implementation in a pathology lab from Northeastern Brazil

Josiane S. Quetz; Italo F. Dantas; Carlos Gustavo Hirth; Carlos G. Brasil; Sergio F. JuaçabaJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):33-38DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150007 ABSTRACT Oncologic care shows a growing and unmet demand, and requires the search for alternatives that allow the efficient use of limited resources, the building of autonomy, and the endeavour for continuous improvement of processes.

Preliminary results of Lean method implementation in a pathology lab from Northeastern Brazil Read More »

Renal mixed epithelial and stromal tumor: case report

Tumor epitelial-estromal misto do rim: relato de caso Karla Lais Pêgas1, 3; Eduardo Cambruzzi1, 2; Roque D. Furian1; Antônio A. Hartmann1, 3; Suzana Elisabeth Lamonatto1; Júlia M. Zanatta1; Kárita Guimarães1; Elizete Keitel1, 3; Giovani Thomaz Pioner1 1. Santa Casa de Porto Alegre2. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Renal mixed epithelial and stromal tumor: case report Read More »

Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor A) a biphasic tumor composed by spindle cells and epithelial elements; B) positive

Renal mixed epithelial and stromal tumor: case report

Karla Lais Pêgas; Eduardo Cambruzzi; Roque D. Furian; Antônio A. Hartmann; Suzana Elisabeth Lamonatto; Júlia M. Zanatta; Kárita Guimarães; Elizete Keitel; Giovani Thomaz PionerJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):39-4310.5935/1676-2444.20150008DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150008 ABSTRACT Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor (MEST) represents a recently described biphasic kidney neoplasm, which predominantly affects perimenopausal females. The authors report the case of a

Renal mixed epithelial and stromal tumor: case report Read More »

Cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma of atypical location: a case report

Hemangioma epitelioide cutâneo de localização atípica: relato de caso Murilo O. L. Carapeba1; Benício R. Junior1; Mariana V. Cervelatti1; Fernanda A. L. Guaresemin1; Paula A. L. Guaresemin1; Marilda A. M. M. Abreu2 1. Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)2. Hospital Regional de Presidente Prudente DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150009 Corresponding author Marilda Aparecida Milanez Morgado de AbreuRua São Paulo, 1949;

Cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma of atypical location: a case report Read More »

Proliferation of epithelioid cells forming vascular spaces of varying sizes, sometimes with papillary hyperplasia in the lumen (HE, 100×)

Cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma of atypical location: a case report

Murilo O. L. Carapeba; Benício R. Junior; Mariana V. Cervelatti; Fernanda A. L. Guaresemin; Paula A. L. Guaresemin; Marilda A. M. M. AbreuJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):44-47DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150009 ABSTRACT The epithelioid hemangioma, also called angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia, is a rare benign vascular tumor that manifests as nodules. Histopathological examination shows vascular spaces of various

Cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma of atypical location: a case report Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Accuracy of intraoperative consultation in lesions of the salivary glands: analysis of 748 cases

Theresinha C. Fonseca; Ana Lúcia A. EisenbergJ. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. 2015;51(1):52-56DOI:10.5935/1676-2444.20150011 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Lesions of the salivary glands are uncommon, representing 2% to 6.5% of all neoplasms of head and neck, and because of the difference in treatment between them, an accurate diagnosis is essential. The cytological study by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is a

Accuracy of intraoperative consultation in lesions of the salivary glands: analysis of 748 cases Read More »