Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Lung cancer biomarkers. A literature review

Biomarcadores de câncer de pulmão. Uma revisão de literatura Amanda Angelo Soares Costa1; Glaucia Luciano da Veiga2; Beatriz da Costa Aguiar Alves2; Thaís Moura Gascón2; Edimar Cristiano Pereira1; Ligia Ajaime Azzalis1; Fernando Luiz Affonso Fonseca1,2 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of São Paulo/UNIFESP-Diadema, Brazil.2Clinical Analysis Laboratory, ABC Faculty of Medicine, Santo André, Brazil. ABSTRACTLung […]

Lung cancer biomarkers. A literature review Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Analysis of correlation of glucose dosage by glycosimeter, laboratory dosage and artificial intelligence equipment

Correlação da dosagem de glicose por glicosímetro, dosagem laboratorial e de equipamento de inteligência artificial Gabriel Garcia Oliveira; Romulo Pillon Barcelos; Luciano de Oliveira SiqueiraUniversity of Passo Fundo, Institute of Biological Sciences, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil..DOI:10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.414 ABSTRACTIntroduction: With the increasing number of cases related to Diabetes Mellitus (DM), glycemic control through laboratory methods or rapid

Analysis of correlation of glucose dosage by glycosimeter, laboratory dosage and artificial intelligence equipment Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

New algorithm to differentiate histochemical types of intestinal metaplasia: G&S2 method

Novo algoritmo para diferenciar tipos histoquímicos de metaplasia intestinal: Método G&S2 Gian Ramirez Ubillus1; Carlos Ricardo Neira-Montoya2; Eduardo Eulogio Sedano-Gelvet2; Joel Fernando Verona-Cueva21Escuela de Tecnología Médica, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Lima, Perú2Maria Auxiliadora Hospital, Pathological Anatomy Service, Lima, Peru.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.413 ABSTRCT Introduction: The classification of intestinal metaplasia by histochemistry methods has been described as

New algorithm to differentiate histochemical types of intestinal metaplasia: G&S2 method Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Infection due to Roseomonas spp: a case report

Fernandes L.S1; Baretta M.C.C1; Chagas-Neto T.C2; Andriolo A11Discipline of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.2Discipline of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Department of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilDOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.449 ABSTRACTMale patient, 68 years old, immunocompromised,

Infection due to Roseomonas spp: a case report Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report

Dificuldade no diagnóstico do coriocarcinoma renal: relato de caso Daniela Angerame Yela; Marcelo Faber; Amanda Dantas; Cristina Laguna Benetti-pinto; Rodrigo JalesState University of Campinas, gynecology and obstetrics, Campinas, SP, Brazil.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.412 ABSTRACT Choriocarcinoma is a rare highly malignant tumor. We report a case of 35-year-old woman, with a history of four months menstrual irregularity and

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Serum levels of interleukin-2 differ between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia

Níveis séricos de interleucina-2 diferem entre câncer de próstata e hiperplasia benigna da próstata Otavio T Nobrega1; William K El-Chaer1; Gleiciane G Avelar1; Audrey C Tonet-Furioso2; Diego Ignacio V Perez2; Clayton F Moraes31 University of Brasilia, Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Brasilia, DF, Brazil.2 Catholic University of Brasilia, Graduate Program in Gerontology, Aguas Claras, DF,

Serum levels of interleukin-2 differ between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia Read More »

Evaluation of TP53 Gene Expression in Patients with Childhood Cancer in Northeast Santa Catarina, Brazil

Evaluation of the Lectin Pathway in the Serum of Patients with Chronic Chagas Disease by Detection of C4 by Elisa

Avaliação da via das lectinas no soro de pacientes com doença de Chagas crônica pela detecção de C4 por Elisa Renan Polachini; Lorena Bavia; Fabiana A. Andrade; Kárita C. F. Lidani; Vanessa F. Picceli; Nathalia M. D. L. Signorini; Pâmela D. Fontana; Helena M. B. S. Plácido; Iara J. M. ReasonUniversidade Federal do Parana, Department

Evaluation of the Lectin Pathway in the Serum of Patients with Chronic Chagas Disease by Detection of C4 by Elisa Read More »

Evaluation of the Lectin Pathway in the Serum of Patients with Chronic Chagas Disease by Detection of C4 by Elisa

Avaliação da via das lectinas no soro de pacientes com doença de Chagas crônica pela detecção de C4 por Elisa Renan Polachini; Lorena Bavia; Fabiana A. Andrade; Kárita C. F. Lidani; Vanessa F. Picceli; Nathalia M. D. L. Signorini; Pâmela D. Fontana; Helena M. B. S. Plácido; Iara J. M. ReasonUniversidade Federal do Parana, Department

Evaluation of the Lectin Pathway in the Serum of Patients with Chronic Chagas Disease by Detection of C4 by Elisa Read More »

Lung nodule located in lower right lung measuring 2,6 cm on computed tomography scan.

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report

Dificuldade no diagnóstico do coriocarcinoma renal: relato de caso Daniela Angerame Yela; Marcelo Faber; Amanda Dantas; Cristina Laguna Benetti-pinto; Rodrigo JalesState University of Campinas, gynecology and obstetrics, Campinas, SP, Brazil.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.412 ABSTRACT Choriocarcinoma is a rare highly malignant tumor. We report a case of 35-year-old woman, with a history of four months menstrual irregularity and

Difficulty in Diagnosing of Renal Choriocarcinoma: Case Report Read More »

Presence of sialo or sulfomucins in the Goblet cells with Alcian Blue at pH 2.5 but Columnar cells not (A). Confirmation of sulfomucins in the Goblet cells with Alcian Blue at pH 0.5 but Columnar cells not (B). Interpretation of the algorithm: Intestinal Metaplasia-Type I. Red arrow: Columnar Cell. Yellow arrow: Goblet cell. Objective: 40X.

New algorithm to differentiate histochemical types of intestinal metaplasia: G&S2 method

Gian Ramirez Ubillus1; Carlos Ricardo Neira-Montoya2; Eduardo Eulogio Sedano-Gelvet2; Joel Fernando Verona-Cueva21Escuela de Tecnología Médica, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Lima, Perú2Maria Auxiliadora Hospital, Pathological Anatomy Service, Lima, Peru.DOI: 10.1900/JBPML.2022.58.413 ABSTRCT Introduction: The classification of intestinal metaplasia by histochemistry methods has been described as the most appropriate. However, current algorithms are not replicable in laboratories

New algorithm to differentiate histochemical types of intestinal metaplasia: G&S2 method Read More »